
My Ferris Wheel

In 2001 I built a Ferris Wheel out of PVC and wood. I used a small industrial motor with a reduction gearbox to mechanize it. I added 8 30-inch Teddy Bears and it has become the most popular fixture in my display. I can swap other items in and out without too much flak, but I would have to move if I didn't put the Ferris Wheel out. Click the image above to learn more about the Ferris Wheel.

Megatree And The Moon

I purchased a 6-point Star filter for my camera to try with the Christmas light display. I went out that evening to test the new filter and discovered there was a full moon behind the display, so I went back in and got the tripod. This is one of the shots I got that evening. The megatree is 23 feet tall and has approximately 10,000 LEDs with 32 each of red, green, and blue vertical strings of light. There are also 16 strings of white wrapped in a clockwise spiral and 16 strings wrapped counterclockwise. In the interior there are 9 spheres wrapped with strings of multi colored lights plus a bunch of strobe lights. This is all controlled by 96 LOR channels. Behind the megatree you can see the Ferris Wheel on the right and the carousel on the left. The Ferris Wheel is 11 feet tall and has 8 Teddy Bears riding it. The carousel has a Raggdy Ann and two Raggdy Andy dolls riding tricycles round, and round, and round...