Taylor and Cynthia

Our Grandson and His Friend

During the 2013 Christmas season our grandson's friend visited us. I added a Raggedy Ann doll onto his tricycle along with an additional license plate. I think they make a cute couple.

About OurMikeyRocks

Like so many, my memories of Christmas go back to my childhood.  I remember the lights that our town put up around the town square and the courthouse.  I remember they were lighted on the Saturday evening following Thanksgiving and that is why I turn my display on at 5:30 PM on Saturday following Thanksgiving.

I also remember riding around with my parents to view the decorations and displays that others had placed in their yards.  In one city where we lived there was a gentleman who had a very extravagant display with numerous animated pieces.  From this display I was motivated to build my Ferris Wheel, Merry Go Round, Rocking Santa, and Dancing Nisse (Danish elves).  Over time I have had many displays ranging from simple to more complex.

I discovered the computer controlled display technology about 2008.  Since I work in the technology space this was a natural progression for me.  I have been accumulating controllers, lights, software, and the other pieces necessary to assemble a display since then.  The technology is still moving and I am trying to keep up.

One thing I have done is try and keep my display 'green.'  The lights I use are 100% LED so I don't really use much electricity.  This is the number one question/comment I get - "I'm glad I don't have your PG&E bill."  As it turns out, I only use about $1.00 worth of electricity each evening.  On the other hand I give out about 2,000 candy canes, so they should really be worried about my candy cane bill.

I remember the joy I experienced when I was a kid and I am fortunate to be able to pass some of that along to the kids, both young and young at heart, today.  It is so cool to see children completly absorbed in the display.  It is both amusing and sad to see them upset when they have to leave.  And, it is so cool to see adults keep coming back each evening to watch the display, although I wonder if some of them only come for the candy cane.

Whatever brings you to view my display, laugh, smile, enjoy yourself, and celebrate Christmas.  If you can, bring someone else with you and make them happy too.  And most of all, have a Merry Christmas.  Mikey

The Story Of OurMikeyRocks

For many years I have been using 'Mikey' instead of 'Mike' so that I didn't get lost in a sea of Mikes. My family and my co-workers call me Mikey and I am comfortable with that.

One day my grandkids brought me a present. They had found three flat rocks a couple of inches in diameter and had painted them. The top one is a head with a face and hair. The middle one is a torso with a tee-shirt and a logo that says 'Our Mikey Rocks.' The bottom one has a pair of pants with a belt and zipper. After seeing these I decided to register the domain name and here it is.