Megatree And The Moon

A picture of my megatree with the moon and the Ferris Wheel in the background.

About The Picture

I went to Sammy's Camera in Santa Barbara to purchase a "Star" filter for my camera lens. I asked the clerk if she had any idea what the filter would do when there were a lot of lights in the picture. She replied that it would put the 6-pointed star on all of the points of light. I don't think she had 10,000 points of light in mind. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it really did put a star on all of the LEDs in the picture. For you photo fans here are some settings: 11/27/2012, Nikon 5100, VR 18-55 f/e.5-5.6G, L(4928 x 3264) - 20.1 MB, 18mm - Auto (ISO 3200), 1/8s - f3.5, 0EV - Auto. 0.0.